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Must attend events in partnership with The National Press Club in Canberra.

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Taryn Brumfitt

Image: Martin Ollman/NCA NewsWire Credit: Newscorp Australia

Kathy Lette

Australian-British Author

“Women are brought up to be decorative and demure. All the research shows that when a man and woman starts talking at the same time the woman always pulls back.

But post-fifty we no longer care what people think about us, and it’s totally freeing.”

Kathy Lette

Jelena Dokic

Former World Number 4 Tennis Player, TEDx Presenter & Speaker, Commentator & 2-Time Bestselling Author

“There was only one or two people who believed in me reinventing myself, being a commentator, being on TV, being a speaker, writing books, maybe helping others.

That is all you need sometimes. You just need that door opened. All you need is one person to believe in you. You can be that for someone. I felt the power of it.”

Jelena Dokic

Hannah Diviney

Writer, Disability Advocate, Actress, Screenwriter, Author and Media Personality

“A lot of the people who’ve graced this stage as our leaders, our top thinkers and our most powerful have looked the same, which says a lot about the pathways to and construction of paths to opportunities for power in this country.”

Hannah Diviney

June Oscar AO

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner

“When we know each other, we can listen without fear, and act together with integrity and humility, walking into a future where we lay the foundations to account for everyone and exclude no one.”

June Oscar AO

Taryn Brumfitt

Australian of the Year 2023

“Life is short, life is fleeting, so please don’t waste it being at war with your body.”

Taryn Brumfitt

Georgie Stone OAM

Australian actress, writer and transgender rights advocate

“If you want the pride and the glitter and the confetti, then you also have to stand with us when it's uncomfortable and scary.”

Georgie Stone OAM

Em Rusciano

Australian comedian, writer, singer and media presenter

“When we’re not forced to try and fit into a framework and societal structure that was built for people who aren’t like us, we can be pretty impressive.”

Em Rusciano

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