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10 questions with the Women in Media newsletter team

To mark the 18th edition of this newsletter, Women in Media posed 10 questions to the team responsible for the publication – Danielle Cronin, Tatiana Carter, and Leonie Yeoman.

What is your current role?

Danielle: I am the Deputy Editor of ABC News Digital.

Tatiana: I am a Social and Video Producer for 10 News First.

Leonie: I’m the Executive Assistant to the Australian Teacher Education Association Board, a Research Assistant for QUT and ACU, a music manager, and WiM Admin/Newsletter Assistant.

How did you get into the industry?

Danielle: When I was 14 years old, I did work experience at the local newspaper, got my first byline on page one, and was hooked. Years later, I secured an internship at The Queensland Times and snagged a job on the features desk.

Tatiana: I always loved writing but it wasn’t until joining my high school newspaper that I discovered I could turn that love into a career. My school had a great relationship with the military newspaper Stars and Stripes and I eventually became a student reporter. Seeing my name in black and white was all the encouragement I needed to pursue the craft. Two years later, I hopped on a plane and flew to Australia from Guam to study journalism full-time (to make a very long story short). From 2017, I interned for the Gold Coast Bulletin and was introduced to Women in Media who have been incredibly supportive in helping me get my start.

Leonie: Via my admin skills 🙂

What professional achievement are you most proud of

Danielle: I hope it’s still to come. But I am proud to be a journalist, tell stories, and work every day to do right by our readers. I had never worked for a female editor so it was a career highlight to become one.

Tatiana: I’m still getting started in this industry so I think my greatest professional achievement is still to come. But I will say, sometimes putting all of your eggs in one basket does pay off – I couldn’t be prouder of all my internships, freelancing gigs and landing such an incredible job with 10 by trusting my gut and never giving up.

Leonie: Being self-employed for nearly 30 years.

What is one of the biggest challenges you’ve encountered?

Danielle: It was a challenge to make the transition from newspapers to digital more than a decade ago but was also one of the best career decisions that I have made to date. I love the freedom of digital storytelling.

Tatiana: I know this is a universal experience, but I had my first major job rejection last year and somehow believed I would never recover from it. Of course, life works in mysterious ways, and it ended up leading to greener pastures. I am so happy things worked out the way they did.

Leonie: A couple of bullying chauvinist bosses.

Who has been the biggest mentor and influence for you?

Danielle: There isn’t a single person but I am so grateful to all the people who have given me a shot, shared their knowledge, inspired me to improve, and been in my corner on this fantastic ride.

Tatiana: I don’t think I have enough space to list everyone who has mentored and influenced me these past few years – but man, I’ve been lucky. My university professors were incredibly supportive of me and taught me everything I know about journalism, specifically the late Mike Grenby and Caroline Graham. Women in Media has also been the greatest network of mentors and support for me – who gets to say they get to speak with the best journalists in the world on a day-to-day basis? Of course, none of that would be possible without my biggest supporter Danielle Cronin, and Cath Webber who introduced me.

Leonie: My mother.

What is something no-one knows about you?

Danielle: I have a collection of musical instruments – a cello, guitar, bongo drums, and harmonica.

Tatiana: I’ve never lived anywhere for more than four years – from Germany, Japan, Alaska, parts of the US, and most recently Guam. My mother recently retired from the Air Force and would take my Dad and me with her everywhere. Living overseas gave me the opportunity to travel to over 30 countries before I turned 20.

Leonie: I was the only female-gendered person who auditioned for Jeopardy! New Zealand.

How do you wind down after work?

Danielle: This remains a work in progress. I do enjoy catching up with friends, listening to music, reading for pleasure, and a bit of trashy television.

Tatiana: I love cooking and feel the most relaxed when I’m brewing up some crazy concoction. I can’t promise it all tastes good, but at least I’m happy! I’ve even copied some of Emma Macdonald’s recipes from her Instagram (Sorry if that’s weird, Emma).

Leonie: Netflix and a glass of wine.

What are you reading at the moment?

Danielle: I am reading Hip Hop & Hymns by my colleague and friend Mawunyo Gbogbo and Nieman Lab Predictions for Journalism 2023.

Tatiana: I’m reading Ottessa Moshfegh’s My Year of Rest and Relaxation. I’m sure I speak for everyone when I say a year of rest and relaxation sounds pretty good right about now.

Leonie: The Dreaming Path: Indigenous Thinking To Change Your Life by Paul Callaghan.

What does the immediate future hold?

Danielle: I’m taking a break and have a date with my Mum to make Grandma’s Christmas lollies.

Tatiana: I’m gearing up to travel back to Guam to visit my family. It will be my first Christmas home in three years due to the pandemic. I’m also in the process of re-applying for my Australian visa – keep your fingers crossed for me!

Leonie: A couple of weeks of decompression.

Describe a perfect day in your role

Danielle: I never take for granted that I can pay the bills by doing a job that I love and working with extraordinary people. A perfect day would result in a front page packed with cracking stories for our readers.

Tatiana: Getting the chance to pursue things I love! I have the most supportive bosses who let me explore some interesting topics – whether I’m filming myself going through a haunted house or getting to dive into US politics, I love it all.

Leonie: I love everything I do (or I wouldn’t do it!) so for me, it’s a day where I manage to tick off everything on that day’s list.

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